Nice explanation of how PAM *should* work, with Kerberos and AFS.
You sited the patch I sent to OpenSSH. There where two. The have
sshd set the KRB5CCNAME into the pam_envlist so a pam_open_session
routine can use this to get an AFS token. Usefull if sshd
did the Kerberos authentication, or gssapi
* Maurizio Santini [2004-09-15 12:46:54 -0300]:
> I've installed kerberos and got it work (I can get a ticket using kinit
> or login from a terminal) but the problem is the AFS token that doesn't
> get assigned.
Did you install MIT Kerberos or Heimdal?
Heimdal kinit has afslog support built-in (i