Hello all,

I've got a Development and a production cell and I'm having issues with how I've configured it. (I'm sure I've missed something)

here is how they are both setup.

each network has 3 subnets
external (live on internet)
internal (a private ip range)
management (another private ip range)

The internal network is only for boxes to talk to each other, it is not possible to route traffic into this subnet. The management network is the network we use to connect to all our server and well... manage the network. ;)

Web clients talk to my linux servers via the external network, those servers have afs clients on them which talk to the afsdb servers and afsfileservers via the internal network.

The AFS DB server and Fileserver are only on the internal and management networks, and everything works perfectly if you have access to both those networks.

My issue is that I have an OSX desktop that has access to both my development management and production management networks, and when I try to vos examine (just an example of one of the areas I'm having issues with) I get the following:

*******************command line snip*****************
vos examine test.test3 -cell mydevcell.h2st.net -verbose
Fetching VLDB entry for 536870926 .. done
Getting volume listing from the server .. Could not fetch the information about volume 536870926 from the server
Possible communication failure
Error in vos examine command.
Possible communication failure

Dump only information from VLDB

    RWrite: 536870926
    number of sites -> 1
       server partition /vicepb RW Site
*******************command line snip********************

the ip is on the internal network...which I can't route to. Have I screwed something up? or is this what you would expect with the way I've deployed my afs cells with the internal and management?


Pucky Loucks
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