I had the opportunity to attend Bob's memorial at UWash a couple of weeks
ago. Quite accomplished, both professionally and as a father.  While I had
known him via his MACE / Internet2 / Shibboleth work, I didn't know he also
had some AFS involvement. Coming from Stanford, I shouldn't really be

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Derrick Brashear <sha...@openafs.org>wrote:

> Just a note to let you know that we recently learned of the passing of
> R L "Bob" Morgan.
> Bob was most recently known for his considerable work on identity
> management, but before his employment at the University of Washington
> worked
> at Stanford and was involved in Kerberos and AFS during his time there.
> Bob was
> among the people who externally pushed the cause of open sourcing AFS, and
> in
> a conference call where it became clear that would actually happen, posed a
> scenario which became a running joke for years when he suggested the
> possibility of
> providing support for this open source AFS as "R L Bob's AFS Company".
> Bob will be sorely missed.
> You can read more here:
> https://spaces.internet2.edu/display/rlbob/Home
> --
> Derrick
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