Because we had to adapt the openssi kernel and make some changes in OpenAFS to
have a good shot a compiling it and make it work.
The patches we have are for that version.

After I have this one working I'll work on 1.4.0rc6.


>Why are you building 1.2.13 instead of 1.4.0rc6?
>Quoting Ron Croonenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> btw: below is part of the msgs that I get to see:
>> as you can see it does get the kvers right, but then ???
>> thanks,
>> Ron
>> ++ ls -d /lib/modules/2.4.22-1.2199.nptl.afs_ssi_9smp
>> /lib/modules/2.6.5-1.358 /lib/modules/2.6.5-1.358smp
>> /lib/modules/_2.4.22-1.2199.nptl
>> /lib/modules/_2.4.22-1.2199.nptl_ssi_9smp /lib/modules/backup
>> ++ sed 's^/lib/modules/^^g'
>> ++ grep '2\.4\.'
>> + kvers=2.4.22-1.2199.nptl.afs_ssi_9smp
>> _2.4.22-1.2199.nptl
>> _2.4.22-1.2199.nptl_ssi_9smp
>> ++ grep '2\.4\.'
>> ++ tail -1
>> ++ ls -d /lib/modules/2.4.22-1.2199.nptl.afs_ssi_9smp/build
>> /lib/modules/2.6.5-1.358/build /lib/modules/2.6.5-1.358smp/build
>> /lib/modules/_2.4.22-1.2199.nptl/build
>> /lib/modules/_2.4.22-1.2199.nptl_ssi_9smp/build
>> + hdrdir=/lib/modules/_2.4.22-1.2199.nptl_ssi_9smp/build
>> + config_opts=--enable-redhat-buildsys  --enable-transarc-paths
>> + ./configure --with-afs-sysname=i386_linux24
>> --with-linux-kernel-headers=/lib/modules/_2.4.22-1.2199.nptl_ssi_9smp/build
>> --enable-redhat-buildsys --enable-transarc-paths
>>>>> "Ron Croonenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/05/05 11:41 AM >>>
>> Hello all,
>> I am trying to compile OpenAFS using "rpmbuild -ba .....
>> Anyway, the running kernel is:
>> 2.4.22-1.2199.nptl.afs_ssi_9smp
>> but somehow it compiles it for an older kernel I used,
>> 2.4.22-1.2199.nptl_ssi_9smp.
>> So probably I need to change something somewhere, do I need to change
>> the spec file ?
>> thanks,
>> Ron
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>       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
>       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
>       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        PGP key available

     Thomas Edison gets an idea, and his brother Timmy says,
     "Hey, what's that thing over your head?
 Ron Croonenberg               | Phone: 1 765 658 4761
 Technology Coordinator        | Fax:   1 765 658 4732
 Department of ComputerScience | e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 DePauw University             |
 Julian Science & Math Center  |
 602 South College Ave.        |
 Greencastle, IN  46135        |
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