On 17 December 2011 04:46, Geoff Hutchison <ge...@geoffhutchison.net> wrote:
>> The weird thing is that IdentifyResidue can identify the first serine
>> without any problems; it just doesn't identify the second one. Also,
>> it will identify them both correctly if the --gen3d is omitted (or
>> more precisely, if the call to Builder.Build is omitted).
> This bug report exposed two issues:
> 1) Chain / residue perception is brittle with respect to bond indexes (e.g., 
> if the beta carbon has a bond to the side chain first or second)
> 2) OBBuilder::Build re-orders bonds (i.e., it deletes them all, creates some, 
> and then adds the rest at the end)
> The most immediate fix should be to address #2 -- if the bonds are kept in 
> the same order, the bug should disappear.
> The problem is that it leaves chains.cpp in a very brittle state -- 
> reordering atoms or bonds would still cause hard-to-debug failures in residue 
> perception. (Come to think of it, this explains several weird bug reports.)
> I will investigate a more permanent solution, but it may take time. This is 
> opaque OpenEye code with poor commenting. The key problem seems to be in how 
> the TracePeptideBackbone() function works -- it probably needs to be more 
> flexible, particularly with C(O) atoms, which could either be SER side-chains 
> or backbone atoms.

That's great Geoff. And I think I saw that you commited a fix to Builder.

- Noel

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