The OpenSMILES spec doesn't fully describe the Daylight valence model.
I'll get the full details from Roger, but in the meanwhile here's some
bullet points from a talk of his:

"Daylight’s valence model for SMILES is that all aromatic nitrogens
have no implicit hydrogens by default. If a hydrogen is present, it
has to be specified as “[nH]”. This means that “[n]” should never
occur in a generated/canonical SMILES string."

Not sure if this helps...

- Noel

On 22 November 2012 20:50, Tim Vandermeersch
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on an OBFormat for parsing SMILES using my new Smiley parser.
> The initial tests look good but there is a specific problem regarding
> aromatic nitrogens. When I read a molecule using the new format and write
> out the caonical smiles, all aromatic nitrogens are written out as "[nH]".
> Does anyone know how the original SMILES parser handles this or how I should
> fix this issue?
> Thanks,
> Tim
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