Hi Stefano,

Your comment about guidelines is of course true. I've been thinking about this.

My feeling is that only needed functions should be in the API. So it's
not that a function is not useful, or that someone might find it
useful. This is not a concrete guideline of course, but it's something
to bear in mind.

- Noel

On 2 June 2016 at 16:34, Geoffrey Hutchison <geoff.hutchi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> SMARTS pattern is that you have the match of each atom to each virtual
>> atom of the pattern. For a function of OBAtom, it's just boolean true
>> or false.
> Moreover, there's already OBAtom::MatchesSMARTS()
> http://openbabel.org/dev-api/classOpenBabel_1_1OBAtom.shtml#abfdefac42d3c895920f1f715f0d710a5
> Some of these "one-off" functions are certainly more efficient, and I do like 
> David's enum-based suggestion.
> My feeling is that we should decide fairly quickly on any API changes so that 
> we can issue 2.4 soon.
> Thanks,
> -Geoff

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