On 6 October 2011 14:13, Chris Morley <c.mor...@gaseq.co.uk> wrote:
> On 06/10/2011 10:03, Noel O'Boyle wrote:
>>> Now on to how to avoid specifying the C# executable as an absolute
>>> address.
>> Is there a problem with the current setup?
> It would be better if it used the information that was automatically
> available rather than rely on the user knowing that he has to edit it
> if, for instance, Windows was installed in drive D.

The executable location is set via Cmake and
-DCSHARP_EXECUTABLE=whatever. As far as I know, it can point to any
drive (I do remember we had problems with drives before, so correct me
if wrong). Also, the only user going to be running this is me or you.

>>> And whether to put all the OB files in a writable folder (one
>>> also without an absolute address), or whether to split off the /data folder.
>> What's the issue here? Is this so people can edit the plugins?
> Yes, new plugins via plugindefines.txt. Martin Guetlein did it recently,
> with difficulty under Windows. But the plugin may be much simpler, e.g.
> a shorthand for recurring SMARTS pattern. Also a user may need to alter
> some data (because of errors or improved knowledge). Why  else are the
> data in separate files and not compiled in?
> Another reason, which is close to my heart but not much used, is to
> extend OB (formats, ops, etc.) without recompiling, by distributing .obf
> files.
> I think the correct writeable folder, for /data only, is %ProgramData%
> (usually C:\ProgramData).

My only worry with this is that there will be conflicts between
different versions of Open Babel installed (e.g. as part of Avogadro,
etc.). I guess that proper versioning of the folders will look after

While you are thinking about this, what do you think about including
the .lib files to make it easier for people to compile against Open
Babel without having to compile it itself? Right now, writing a
tutorial for compiling a C++ program on Windows against Open Babel is
a bit like the recipe for elephant soup ("First, find an

- Noel

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