Dear Reinis and dear all,

actually the aromaticity detection problem is only raised when dealing 
with charged heterocyclic systems with formats which do not support 
explicit formal charges (e.g., MOL2), while there are no problems with 
SDF and MOL files. I was initially misled about this and I erroneously 
made changes to kekulize.cpp which broke the test suite, as Noel pointed 
out. This is the reason why I reverted them, while I added some code to 
mol2format, also following a bug report about pyridinium ions being 
incorrectly perceived. Since the latter is a very commonly used format, 
I thought it would be a pity to incorrectly perceive aromaticity on such 
files, even though they do not carry explicit formal charges. However, 
since they do carry atom/bond type information, it is possible to use it 
to improve the quality of aromaticity perception.


There was raised an issue about aromaticity detection problems in 
charged heterocycles (e.g. pyridinium). There were also some commits in 
the summer by ptosco for oxonium ions which were later reverted and 
worked around in mol2format(?). It would be good to solve this issue if 
possible, but I haven't looked at it closely. Reinis 
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