details:   /erp/erp/devel/api-checks/rev/4caed150ac56
changeset: 33:4caed150ac56
user:      Iván Perdomo <ivan.perdomo <at>>
date:      Wed Aug 19 17:10:18 2009 +0200
summary:   Fixes Build #114 JavaScript build error


 js/calculator.js.details |   4 ++--
 js/utils.js.details      |  37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diffs (80 lines):

diff -r d065af12f509 -r 4caed150ac56 js/calculator.js.details
--- a/js/calculator.js.details  Tue Aug 18 13:18:54 2009 +0200
+++ b/js/calculator.js.details  Wed Aug 19 17:10:18 2009 +0200
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
 FUNCTION: TCRisPoint [ tmp n flag tmp2 i ]
 FUNCTION: TCRisNumber [ data numStr thischar counter len i ]
 FUNCTION: TCRrezult [ slag_1 slag_2 oper ]
-FUNCTION: TCRPopup [ obj_control w h ua v n ]
-FUNCTION: TCRmntr [ num flag ]
+FUNCTION: TCRPopup [ obj_control decSeparator groupSeparator w h ua v n ]
+FUNCTION: TCRmntr [ num decSeparator flag ]
 FUNCTION: calculator [ item value debug ]
diff -r d065af12f509 -r 4caed150ac56 js/utils.js.details
--- a/js/utils.js.details       Tue Aug 18 13:18:54 2009 +0200
+++ b/js/utils.js.details       Wed Aug 19 17:10:18 2009 +0200
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
 FUNCTION: reloadFunction [ text ]
 FUNCTION: setChangedField [ field form ]
 FUNCTION: logClick [ hiddenInput autosave ]
+FUNCTION: reloadOpener [ f buttonRefresh commandType ]
+FUNCTION: removeOnUnload [ ]
 FUNCTION: checkForChanges [ f form autosave promptConfirmation hasUserChanges 
autoSaveFlag ]
 FUNCTION: continueUserAction [ requestURL continueAction ]
 FUNCTION: sendDirectLink [ form columnName parentKey url keyId tableId 
newTarget bolCheckChanges frmDebug action autosave strFunction ]
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@
 FUNCTION: depurar_validate_wrapper [ action form value ]
 FUNCTION: submitCommandForm [ action bolValidation form newAction newTarget 
bolOneFormSubmission bolCheckChanges isCallOut controlEvt evt target 
strFunction ]
 FUNCTION: submitCommandFormParameter [ action field value bolValidation form 
formAction newTarget bolOneFormSubmission bolCheckChanges isCallOut controlEvt 
evt target strFunction ]
-FUNCTION: validateNumber [ strValue isFloatAllowed isNegativeAllowed isComma 
isNegative i total ]
+FUNCTION: validateNumber [ strValue isFloatAllowed isNegativeAllowed isComma 
isNegative i decSeparator groupSeparator total ]
 FUNCTION: validateNumberField [ field isFloatAllowed isNegativeAllowed ]
 FUNCTION: getArrayValue [ data name defaultValue total i ]
 FUNCTION: addArrayValue [ data name value isUrlParameter total i ]
@@ -127,7 +129,8 @@
 FUNCTION: recordSelectExplicit [ name highlight obj ]
 FUNCTION: selectRadioButton [ radio Value total i ]
 FUNCTION: selectCheckbox [ obj Value ]
-FUNCTION: formElementValue [ form ElementName Value bolReadOnly 
onChangeFunction obj total index hasMultiSelect selectedOption i search first 
end ]
+FUNCTION: formElementValue [ form ElementName Value bolReadOnly 
onChangeFunction obj total index hasMultiSelect selectedOption i decSeparator 
groupSeparator groupInterval outputformat formattedValue search first end ]
+FUNCTION: getFrame [ frameName op ]
 FUNCTION: setClass [ id selectClass obj ]
 FUNCTION: getObjectClass [ id previousClass obj ]
 FUNCTION: formElementEvent [ form ElementName calloutName isReload obj 
bolReadOnly onchange_combo onchange_combo2 ]
@@ -177,6 +180,36 @@
 FUNCTION: changeAuditIcon [ newStatus ]
 FUNCTION: changeAuditIconTitle [ paramXMLParticular XMLHttpRequestObj obj 
status ]
 FUNCTION: goToDivAnchor [ div elementId ]
+FUNCTION: setOPSLogo [ opsInstance logo ]
+FUNCTION: getGlobalDecSeparator [ m ]
+FUNCTION: getGlobalGroupSeparator [ m ]
+FUNCTION: getGlobalGroupInterval [ m ]
+FUNCTION: isJavaMask [ isJavaMask ]
+FUNCTION: getDefaultMaskNumeric [ m maskNumeric_default ]
+FUNCTION: getInputNumberMask [ obj outputformat ]
+FUNCTION: formatNameToMask [ formatName maskNumeric decSeparator 
groupSeparator F ]
+FUNCTION: focusNumberInput [ obj maskNumeric decSeparator groupSeparator 
groupInterval oldCaretPosition newCaretPosition number isValid plainNumber ]
+FUNCTION: returnNewCaretPosition [ obj oldCaretPosition groupSeparator 
newCaretPosition i ]
+FUNCTION: returnPlainNumber [ number decSeparator groupSeparator plainNumber 
groupRegExp numberSign ]
+FUNCTION: returnFormattedToCalc [ number decSeparator groupSeparator 
calcNumber ]
+FUNCTION: returnCalcToFormatted [ number maskNumeric decSeparator 
groupSeparator groupInterval formattedNumber ]
+FUNCTION: returnMaskChange [ maskNumeric decSeparator_old groupSeparator_old 
decSeparator_new groupSeparator_new realMask i ]
+FUNCTION: blurNumberInput [ obj maskNumeric decSeparator groupSeparator 
groupInterval number isValid formattedNumber ]
+FUNCTION: numberInputEvent [ command obj evt ]
+FUNCTION: updateNumberMiniMB [ obj isValid miniMessageBox_invalid isRequired 
isMissing miniMessageBox_missing ]
+FUNCTION: returnFormattedNumber [ number maskNumeric decSeparator 
groupSeparator groupInterval fixRegExp maskLength decMaskPosition intMask 
decMask fixRegExp_1 fixRegExp_2 numberSign formattedNumber numberLength 
decPosition intNumber decNumber decNumber_temp i isGroup groupRegExp 
intNumber_temp diff groupCounter ]
+FUNCTION: checkNumber [ number maskNumeric decSeparator groupSeparator 
groupInterval bolNegative bolDecimal checkPattern checkRegExp ]
+FUNCTION: roundNumber [ num dec result ]
+FUNCTION: formattedNumberOp [ number1 operator number2 result_maskNumeric 
decSeparator groupSeparator groupInterval result ]
+FUNCTION: reverseString [ text reverseText i ]
+FUNCTION: CaretPosition [ start end ]
+FUNCTION: getCaretPosition [ oField oCaretPos oSel selectionLength ]
+FUNCTION: setSelectionRange [ obj selectionStart selectionEnd range ]
+FUNCTION: setCaretToEnd [ obj ]
+FUNCTION: setCaretToBegin [ obj ]
+FUNCTION: setCaretToPos [ obj pos ]
+FUNCTION: manageDecPoint [ obj decSeparator evt caretPosition keyCode ]
+FUNCTION: replaceAt [ string what ini end temp newString ]
 VAR: arrTeclas
 FUNCTION: Teclas [ tecla evento campo teclaAuxiliar ]
 FUNCTION: controlTecla [ CodigoTecla tecla target total i eventoTrl ]

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