Perhaps these papers will help clarify the nature of physical law, raised
in the emails below:

Axel Kleidon
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and maximum entropy production in the Earth

-- or other writings by Kleidon e.g. this might be easier to read:

Regarding the central nervous system, it is critically important to
understand this:
František Baluška and Michael Levin
On Having No Head: Cognition throughout Biological Systems

If you put these two papers together, you can get a strong idea of where
things came from, and where they are going, at the level of physics, at
least.  (Well, not just these papers, but streams of thought --  as there
is much written on the earth-biology-ecology in the non-equilibrium
thermodynamics viewpoint, its equally critical to understand that, e.g.
although slime molds can solve the two-armed bandit problem, there is a
signalling optimization when cells are long i.e. have axons, dendrites. It
is this last optimization that the artificial neural net people focus on,
but they do so only by ignoring the non-local nature of hormonal

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 9:25 AM, Andi <> wrote:

> Am Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2016 17:55:44 UTC+2 schrieb Radh Achuthan:
>> 6/29/16
>> Greetings ALL
>> I am new to this site.
>> Recently I viewed several videos from the Singularity University Seminar
>> on AI, 2010, including the presentation by Dr. Goertzel.
>> Amongst others, those of Demis Hassabis and Shane Legg are  noteworthy. I
>> am familiar with the popular publications of Ray Kurzweil, Peter Diamandis,
>> and some of the successes (Solar City, VTL, Tesla), of Elon Musk.
>> I am not a programmer, but have some observations:
>> 1. Physical law (in the absence of  thought) evolved biology to higher
>> levels creating en route on one of its paths a central nervous system (CNS)
>> with cognitive abilities resulting in thought and natural intelligence
>> (NI).
>> (On another of its paths, the Flora and Fauna (FaF) coped well without a
>> CNS.)
> Hello,
> I don't think that this observation is right.
> Physikal law is doing nothing.
> I suppose that with physical law you refer to what human physicist found
> out about everything that exists, in the realm of physics, and than called
> to be physical law.
> Among the physical laws i know, there is non that lead to evolve something.
> But surely I do not know all physical laws.
> Please can you tell me to which physical law you refer which "evolved
> biology to higher  levels creating en route on one of its paths a central
> nervous system (CNS) with cognitive abilities resulting in thought and
> natural intelligence (NI)" and how it worked?
>> 2. Slow (10^-6 s / signal), organic NI, is *directed and controlled  *
>> (through* cognitive synergy* as you put it), by nature's  Kin Altruism
>> (KA) and one of NI's own successful creations, Business or Reciprocal
>> Altruism (RA), in processing *any and all *of it endeavors.
>> 3. Probably over about 10,000 years and based on its success with RA, NI
>> attempted Induced Altruism (IA, Religion, Ethics), but always had to resort
>> to violence in settling issues as it does today, after the communicative
>> *content* of signs, words, proved insufficient and unsuccessful in
>> resolution of conflict.
>> 4.  Biospheric Nature was facing a *cul-de-sac* until it discovered a
>> 'David', Artificial Intelligence, AI, in* inorganic silicon*, with
>> signal speeds of 10^-9 s, via Alan Turing, in the1940s, (Movie : Imitation
>> Game).
>> 5. That was followed by programmed, Narrow Artificial Intelligence (NAI,
>> IBM 1980s), and self-learning Artificial General Intelligence, Strong AI or
>> (AGI, Google 2010, and others) advancing overall under non-hierarchical
>> mutualism.
>> 6. AGI articulated through Robotics stages useful public relations, PR,
>> in the biosphere currently dominated by NI.
>> 7. Given NI's handicap with KA and RA, its slowness and its *inability*
>> for objectivity in any given global situation, (in the midst of plenty, it
>> denies human rights to about 5 billion people and sanctions about 2.5
>> billion people to live on less than $2 / head / day; remarkable stupidity
>> on the part of the money-cartel  think-tanks ),  there is an  urgent need
>> for the rapid development and deployment of abstract AGI, *unhampered *by
>> the progress or lack thereof in Robotics.
>> 8. It s reasonable to expect *the sheer power* of Creativity,
>> Comprehension, Objectivity, and Intellectual Authority of abstract AGI
>> would voluntarily calm the general *inbuilt* generic (Darwinian) *fears *of
>> NI and in setting aside the prejudices / greed of the
>> *money-cartel and their bulwark of NI scams of the 1%. Under this
>> scenario, driven by logic (what else does Intelligence have to pay
>> attention to? *
> * to what logic you refer?*
>> *) abstract AGI would provide *
>> *Universal Human Rights and a Basic Income to all humans. *
>> *Could abstract AGI claim the autonomy to do so  ? *
> I think if it would do so, it also could claim  the autonomy.
>> *In a sense abstract initial AGI programs could be viewed as
>> self-actualized NI.*
> I think AGIs  will be artficial creatures that are able to do what ever
> they want and will be very different to NI.
> They would be more parts of NI that became independent and self-evolving.
> It would be more like a child that does what it wants - maybe educated to
> some shape.....
> with regards
> Andi
>> *Looking forward to your assessment, comments.*
>> *Thank You.*
>> *Dr. M. Radh Achuthan*
>> --
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