On 19/10/2015 13:10, Heather Leslie wrote:

The versioning rules have been following. This is a use case that is testing them, testing our strategy. Excellent.

What does specialisation add to this? We still have a changed MD5, new archetype ID, etc… Aargh.

If we specialise, what happens when the next change comes along? Specialise the specialisation? Rinse, wash, repeat?

the normal situation if these were software artefacts would be that you would recompile them all, and anything else that become invalid due to the changes in some changed archetype would then have to be changed as well; anything that still validates remains fine.

This specifically works based on the 'specialise' statement in an archetype that normally refers only to the interface ID, i.e. an id that includes only the major version.

This of course relies on the ADL2 differential representation of archetypes, and the ADL2 identification and referencing rules.

- thomas
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