Dear colleagues, Just a quick heads up to let you know that the first review round for the new Medication order has just commenced, the first of the whole family of medication related archetypes.
If you would like to participate: 1. please register on CKM -<>; and then 2. 'adopt' the archetype to let the Editors know that you want to be included - Due to the Christmas/holiday period, the usual 2 week review period has been extended to one month - Jan 18 - to allow plenty of opportunity for participation. Other review round opportunities will follow for those who miss out :) Kind regards Heather Dr Heather Leslie MBBS FRACGP FACHI Consulting Lead, Ocean Informatics<> Clinical Programme Lead, openEHR Foundation<> p: +61 418 966 670 skype: heatherleslie twitter: @omowizard
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