Hi Erik,

Both the Service request archetype and the Laboratory archetype and their 
associated families of archetypes are currently under review and therefore it 
is a bit messy at present.

Service request is currently under review and evolving. Request for Procedure 
has been identified but is currently out of alignment as the parent archetype 
evolves. Whether other more specific ones for Lab test or imaging is required 
will be determined based on the final INSTRUCTION.request.v0 pattern and 
whether there is a need for further specialisations, mainly to support 
querying, I suspect.

Laboratory test/Lab test archetypes are in flux. They are complicated and the 
base OBSERVATION for the results needs to go out for review ASAP. The patterns 
for specialised lab test categories for histopathology, microbiology, 
immunology, cytology needs special attention – I’m not sure if Ian has a 
recommendation for how these will evolve yet.

More specific comments inline.



From: openEHR-clinical [mailto:openehr-clinical-boun...@lists.openehr.org] On 
Behalf Of Erik Sundvall
Sent: Monday, 11 April 2016 12:02 AM
To: For openEHR clinical discussions <openehr-clinical@lists.openehr.org>
Subject: Templates and archetype patterns for PVC usage, emergency wards etc?


Does anybody want to share templates or other documented patterns on how to set 
up recording of some things useful in emergency wards etc? Some examples:

1. Peripheral venous 
catheter<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peripheral_venous_catheter> (pvc) usage 
(ordering of insertation, insertation, removal) etc?

From reading archetype metadata in the openEHR CKM one can guess that one way 
is to use the very general openEHR-EHR-INSTRUCTION.request-procedure combined 
with openEHR-EHR-ACTION.procedure and create appropriate attribute naming in 
templates/forms. Is that a commonly used approach?
[HVL] This is the way I would do this, Erik. The PVC can be described in detail 
using the Medical Device archetype (CLUSTER.device) – specified in the 
INSTRUCTION if necessary and the exact details of what was inserted in the 
ACTION. Otherwise we will end up with multitudes of specific instructions and 
actions for every type of procedure etc. Let’s leverage terminology. The only 
caution I’d say is to ensure that the ACTION is specific enough

2. For ordering and administration of fluids and/or medications both through 
pvc and other ways I guess this combination could be used:
Is that correct?
[HVL] Agree that Medications will be ordered and the ACTION recorded separately 
and the latest Medication INSTRUCTION currently under review does have 
capability to be administered via PVC. We don’t currently have IV fluid 
administration orders/actions as separate archetypes at this point eg for 
rehydration etc via PVC – are you needing this?
Is there anything else that is usually needed for handling this? Any example 
templates out there?

3. Are there any documented templates/patterns covering the ordering the 
sampling of tests (blood tests etc),record actual test sampling, response from 
lab etc?
Is it openEHR-EHR-INSTRUCTION.request-lab_test.v1 for the first things and 
openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.laboratory_test.v0 for the results?

The openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.lab_test.v1 and its specializations seem older, are 
they considered legacy or something to use for new environments?
[HVL] The lab test archetypes are currently undergoing revision – you are 
absolutely correct.  The latest candidate for an OBSERVATION to carry the 
laboratory test results is here: OBSERVATION.laboratory_test.v0 

The OBSERVATION.lab_test will likely be made obsolete once this newer archetype 
goes through a successful review process. The current pattern of specialisation 
for each common blood test is likely to become redundant as the analyte 
results, panels etc will be carried as a nested CLUSTER within the ‘Test 
findings’ SLOT. So the future pattern will support generic CLUSTER archetypes 
driven by terminology (plus probably a lesser number of very specific and 
explicit CLUSTER archetypes (TBD)) to be nested within the OBSERVATION to cater 
for the varying levels of detail and huge scope of tests.

For the request, the generic Service Request (INSTRUCTION.request.v0) is 
currently being investigated to be the pattern for all types of request, using 
terminology for service name, and ‘Service type’ if necessary to specify 
laboratory or even Micro etc. This archetype is still undergoing review and so 
if this does not fulfil this purpose for you, please let us know of the 
additional requirements you identify. 
openEHR-EHR-INSTRUCTION.request-lab_test.v1 will most likely be made redundant 
if the generic Service request covers the requirements OR it is possible a 
specialisation of the new Service request (INSTRUCTION.request.v0) archetype 
may be developed if required after the parent is published or if there is a 
preference to have one to support specific querying .

4. Are there any emergency room/ward templates out there that can be shared?

I have started a wikipage at...
...where example templates and design patterns could be shared informally. If 
you find it easy to add things in a wiki, then please do, if not then mail 
examples to me at 
and I'll upload them there. Examples in non-english languages are also useful - 
I think the patterns are visible anyway.

Best regards,
Erik Sundvall
Ph.D. Medical Informatics. Information Architect. Tel: +46-72-524 54 
55<tel:%2B46-72-524%2054%2055> (or 010-1036252<tel:010-1036252> in Sweden)
Region Östergötland: 
(previously lio.se<http://lio.se>) http://www.regionostergotland.se/cmit/
Linköping University: erik.sundv...@liu.se<mailto:erik.sundv...@liu.se>, 
openEHR-clinical mailing list

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