Re: Re-purposing archetypes? [was Re: Machine Learning , some thoughts)

2018-06-29 Thread Bert Verhees
On 29-06-18 10:26, Thomas Beale wrote: I think  you have a good point about the documented uses of archetypes potentially being too narrow - it would be worth a global review to see if anything already there can be used for purposes different from that originally envisaged. I wonder if clinical

Re: wellness, lifestyle, sports archetypes ... or templates?

2018-06-29 Thread Bert Verhees
On 29-06-18 15:01, Thomas Beale wrote: Others may have better ideas, interested to hear from anyone who works with this kind of data. I sport a lot, every day, but only very amateur, never did a serious match, but I climbed several mountains on a bike, also the tough ones like the Tourmalet

Re: Machine Learning , some thoughts

2018-06-29 Thread Bert Verhees
On 29-06-18 07:38, Heather Leslie wrote: BTW Bert - here's a project that has some archetypes that might be useful for your diet app scenario: They were volunteered by some of our Portuguese colleagues and refined by CKM Editors. Thanks, I

Re: Machine Learning , some thoughts

2018-06-29 Thread Bert Verhees
On 29-06-18 07:13, Heather Leslie wrote: please try not to disseminate this kind of message. I understand the message, Heather, and every time when I express some criticism about how CKM is functioning, I never forget to tell how important it is and how good work it is. When you would had cop

Re: Machine Learning , some thoughts

2018-06-29 Thread Bert Verhees
On 29-06-18 01:11, GF wrote: Any one automobile or airplane or house is built using many, many standards. You are right Gerard, that was I was in my joke explicitly talking about interoperability standards. Bert ___ openEHR-clinical mailing list

Re: wellness, lifestyle, sports archetypes ... or templates?

2018-06-29 Thread Thomas Beale
In fact, I think Athanasios was advocating this approach in the other thread. I think that what you are describing is something like "An automated approach to constructing disease specific 'Minimal Clinical Datasets'". Once you have this minimal dataset discovered, THEN you could compose the

wellness, lifestyle, sports archetypes ... or templates?

2018-06-29 Thread Thomas Beale
To the extent that I have thought about this area (not deeply), I suspect that clinical models for these types of use probably should take the form of templates that 'mix in' multiple bits and pieces from existing clinical archetypes. A complex of data elements that you might expect from a

Re: Machine Learning , some thoughts

2018-06-29 Thread Thomas Beale
Exactly right. Archetypes are high-value clinical informatics work, and they are free. Making more of them, faster, means getting more clinician and informatician time, which means that projects who would like to have domain models of information and process - even if their final consumption

Re: Machine Learning , some thoughts

2018-06-29 Thread Stefan Sauermann
Dear Evelyn! Thanks for the support! Please note that the statement is not mine, but from Edward Shortliffe. He was together with Christoph Lehmann, Patrice Degoulet and Hyeoun-Ae Park and Elaine Huesing leading the election process of the IMIA academy. The world is small :) Thanks also for t

Re: Machine Learning , some thoughts

2018-06-29 Thread Karsten Hilbert
On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 08:34:20AM +0200, GF wrote: > The GDPR allows the collection of health data. > The GDPR restricts itself to person identifiable data and it secondary > use/abuse of privacy rights. > > Since health and care are about all of society, all of life, all must be able > to be

Re-purposing archetypes? [was Re: Machine Learning , some thoughts)

2018-06-29 Thread Thomas Beale
On 28/06/2018 15:49, Bert Verhees wrote: That could be possible, but then you get structure, and node-identifiers. Maybe just flat paths are more convenient, so that the OBSERVATION archetypes do not require CLUSTERS but ITEMs so that it is possible to include ELEMENTs on that point. I don't

Re: Machine Learning , some thoughts

2018-06-29 Thread GF
Dear Evelyn, The ideas I have are collected in a rough document called SIAMM (Semantic Interpretability Artefact Modelling Method) This is known by several persons active in ISO/CEN. At present I’m no longer actively involved in standardisation work. Gerard Freriks +31 620347088 gf...@luna.

Re: Machine Learning , some thoughts

2018-06-29 Thread Bert Verhees
Thanks Heather for your reply. Unfortunately I am whole day not able to reply. This evening or tomorrow. Best regards Bert Op vr 29 jun. 2018 07:39 schreef Heather Leslie <>: > I totally endorse what Thomas is saying here. > > Let's be realistic here! CKM is