Re: MEDINFO 2019, Lyon, France.

2018-10-08 Thread Grahame Grieve
> > I think HL7 has little interest in working with any other SDOs/orgs, and > mainly appears to be interested in keeping the FHIR hype going. > I thought about ignoring this... but no, I'll bite. gently. There are some at HL7 like this, but actually we're deeply engaged with many other SDOs and O

Re: MEDINFO 2019, Lyon, France.

2018-10-08 Thread Thomas Beale
On 18/09/2018 04:21, Heather Leslie wrote: Hi everyone, I've just been talking with Silje about our plans for Medinfo from the clinical modelling program. We'd like to share our current thinking and ideas for some broader openEHR engagement. 1. 3 Panels: 1. *Clinical modelling pan

Re: Seeking clarification regarding Assumed value

2018-10-08 Thread Ian McNicoll
I asked for this to be changed as we had dropped inspired oxygen into a cluster archetype (intended to sit in state and wanted to be able to state the assumed value of 23% (or whatever). I have come round to thinking that Assumed value is actually unhelpful. It is only a statement on the archetype

Re: Seeking clarification regarding Assumed value

2018-10-08 Thread Peter Gummer
> On 8 Oct 2018, at 23:09, Peter Gummer wrote: > > ...Attached to this email is the CLUSTER that Ian attached to the Jira issue. Hmmm, I don’t think this mailing list accepts attachments. Here is the CLUSTER as ADL. Peter archetype (adl_version=1.4) openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.ambient_oxygen

Re: Seeking clarification regarding Assumed value

2018-10-08 Thread Peter Gummer
Hi Heather,I think I've tracked down why this was changed in the Ocean Archetype Editor. It seems to be this change on 6th May 2012: EDT-567: Allow assumed value to be set on any data, not just on patient stat

Re: Seeking clarification regarding Assumed value

2018-10-08 Thread David Moner
I totally agree with Sebastian, that's a fight we have had for years while implementing LinkEHR. You can of course create an ad hoc tool for openEHR, including all the usability and additional rules you want. But if your tool is really generic (i.e. based in a BMM definition of the reference model)

AW: Seeking clarification regarding Assumed value

2018-10-08 Thread Sebastian Garde
Hi Heather, Purely technically, I think the answer is "false" - since assumed values are an available independent of their context (e.g. data or state). But for all practical modelling I think the answer is "true" - assumed_value should really be used for protocol/state, but not data. As for the

Seeking clarification regarding Assumed value

2018-10-08 Thread Heather Leslie
Hi everyone, Assumed value - I've spoken to Sam Heard on many occasions and I have understood him to say that the intent for an assumed value to only be relevant for 'State' in an OBSERVATION. But never in 'Data'