Dear all,

The CEN/ISO 13606 EHR-communication standard is starting the process for
its renewal. Several activities have been held and will be organised in
order to support this process:
? The EN 13606 Association has held a enquiry with implementors of the
13606 all over the world, including persons from openEHR. A survey has been
? During the CEN/ISO working group meetings held in Vancouver it was
decided to start a New Work Item Proposal (NWIP) as first step.
? The EN 13606 Association promoted a meeting in London (UCL) to discuss
this NWIP and action lines with some key players active in CEN and ISO from
the UK, Sweden, Norway, Spain and the Netherlands.
? During the MIE2012 conference by the end of August in Pisa, the EN 13606
Association will organise two workshops and a training course. We invite
you to attend and participate in the discussions about the renewal of the
CEN/ISO 13606 standard.

*Workshop 1: 13606, what is it and how will it be renewed (1.5 hours, date
to be confirmed)*
? What is the 13606 for?
? What are its 5 parts?
? Deployment experiences: Who is using it, for what purpose?
? Why a new version?
? Who will be involved?
? How can you be involved?
? What is the formal CEN/ISO process?

*Workshop 2: Topics for renewal of the 13606 EHR-communication standard
(1.5 hours, date to be confirmed)*
? Which will be the renewal scope?
? Lessons learned from using the standard
? Harmonisation with HL7 CDA?
? Harmonisation with openEHR?
? Harmonisation with standard: System of Concepts for Continuity of Care?
? Harmonisation with standard: Health Information Services Architecture?
? Extension with SIAMS: How to model archetypes?

*EN 13606 training (15 hours, 25th and 26th of August)*
A 2-day course about the 13606 norm will be done the weekend before MIE. It
will include a deep description of the standard, the archetype development
process and practical exercises to learn how to use it. You can download
the details of the course from:

You are all welcome to participate in any of these activities.

Best regards,

David Moner
Secretary of the EN 13606 Association

David Moner Cano
Grupo de Inform?tica Biom?dica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3? planta
Valencia ? 46022 (Espa?a)
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