Very important, I see as major advantage that gives predictability for 
archetypepaths which is necessary for wild carding AQL queries on unknown 
archetypes or groups of archetypes on different observations. In the field of 
observations this is part of a major step forwards. Researchers and software 
developers, also, but not only in AI, will profit from this. 

The growth towards pattern was already visible during last several years, and I 
am glad that the desire to have this, and architecture howto do it,  has become 
available for the public. I hope modelers will use this, even in moments when 
without pattern seems more effective on a single archetype, they still will 
choose for the greater good of patterned information. 

Congratulations for the CKM team for this major step forwards. 

Sent from my Xperia™ by Sony smartphone

---- Heather Leslie wrote ----

>Hi everyone,
>The CKM editors have been gradually refining our views on how to model 
>Physical examination findings for many years now. There have been many hours 
>wasted exploring options that have had dead ends. We'd like to prevent others 
>having the same experience by sharing and publishing an agreed pattern and we 
>feel that we have one ready for broader consumption.
>We clearly needed to find a solution that works from a modelling point of view 
>ensuring that the clinically diverse requirements are catered for, as well as 
>the needs of implementers for querying etc.
>I have developed a page on the wiki to try to explain our proposal and provide 
>some examples - 
>Comments welcome, probably best if you add them to the wiki page, please.
>Dr Heather Leslie
>M +61 418 966 670
>Skype: heatherleslie
>Twitter: @atomicainfo, @clinicalmodels & @omowizard
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