Hello Thomas !!

 You have big problems !! with "bitKeeper " ??

 CMS ??  see CPS (  in french) www.nuxeo.com
 Il existe CPS ( un bon produit sous ZOPE et Python) qui permet de la
publication et du travail ccoperatif sur les documents .

Avez vous perdu ou non lu mes messages pr?c?dents ?? qui sont sans r?ponse de
votre part .



Selon Thomas Beale <thomas at deepthought.com.au>:

> Dear all,
> BitMover Inc has recently decided to withdraw its open license, and we
> are going to be forced to change our CM system for openEHR. This is a
> huge disappointment, since BitKeeper really is the rolls-royce
> application in its class, and is ideally suited to open development.
> However, they have made a decision, and given some leeway for people
> like us to change. I am not 100% sure of what you will be experiencing
> currently if you try to do a pull with your current copy of BK; if you
> are experiencing problems, please let us know.
> Some people may be thinking "told you so", but as a quick defence of our
> choice I would note:
> - we placed quite some weight on Linus Torvalds' choice of BK 2 years
> ago, and also some other large open source projects
> - we started using BK in openEHR at the end of 1993. THe most likely
> alternative, Subversion, was much less mature then
> - the choice has absolutely minimised our manual work in CM for the
> period we have had it.
> We will most likely move to subversion, and set up a subversion server
> on openEHR.org. Subversion is essentially the "new CVS" and handles
> moves and renames properly, and also has some semblance of change sets.
> The biomedical engineering group at the university of Valencia where I
> have been for the last couple of days have been using it for a while and
> report no problems, and showed me integrations with Eclipse and
> JBuilder. (Not sure if refactoring inside those tools does the right
> things to Subversion, but we'll test that).
> Unless anyone in the community has some strong reason or evidence why
> subversion would not be a good choice, we will migrate in the next few
> weeks. We cannot guarantee that all interior versions of openEHR
> repositories will be kept intact when migrating the files, but we will
> do our best.
> We will announce further details as we know them.
> - thomas beale
> --
> CTO Ocean Informatics (http://www.OceanInformatics.biz)
> Research Fellow, University College London (http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk)
> Chair Architectural Review Board, openEHR (http://www.openEHR.org)
> -
> If you have any questions about using this list,
> please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

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