
I'm doing some archetype modeling and loading tests with Java Ref Impl.
I have two ACTION archetypes and a COMPOSITION archetype that
references the two ACTION archetypes:

content cardinality matches {0..*; unordered} matches {
   allow_archetype ACTION occurrences matches {0..1} matches {
         archetype_id/value matches {/via_venosa_central\.v1/}
         archetype_id/value matches {/via_venosa_periferica\.v1/}

 If a load the COMPOSITION archetype with the ADL parser, how can I load all
 the archetypes that matches the "allow_archetype" assertion?
 I need to have a full archetype structure loaded but I don't know if the 
 parser can do this automatically.

 Thanks a lot!

Pablo Pazos Gutierez.

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