I have been working with the AML (Archetype Modelling Language) team 
recently, and as a result have produced a set of XSDs for AOM2.

These can be found here 


  * it's initial work, very unlikely not to change
  * the schemas were derived from existing AOM Release 1.0.2 schemas,
    and have been changed fairly significantly
  * the underlying class structures are not just AOM classes, but P_AOM
    where the transform between the two is how I convert various complex
    objects data e.g. MULTIPLICITY_INTERVALs, Ids etc, to generally
    string form. This form is best suited to ODIN, JSON, etc, but also
    helps with XML.
  * there are some example archetypes - Apgar, BP and a CIMI one in
    generated XML format that validate in Oxygen against these schemas.
    The next version of ADL Workbench will contain this XML generator.

People who care about XML more than I do will note I have taken some 
liberties with the XSD, particularly (for now at least) replacing 
'sequence' in some places with 'choice', since my current outputter 
doesn't know about order. There are also some others in the 'Resources' 
schema to do with names of XML attributes - many are just 'id' when they 
should arguably be 'language', 'code', 'terminology' etc. I'm looking at 
how to deal with this.

All feedback welcome.

- thomas

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