*If your organisation or implementation uses the openEHR EHR Extract specification PLEASE READ THIS.*

Release-1.0.3 is getting close. For those with too much time on their hands, you can follow progress here on Jira <https://openehr.atlassian.net/projects/SPECRM/versions/10860>.

We have implemented a subset of Change Requests on the *EHR Extract specification *(old Rel-1.0.2 PDF <http://www.openehr.org/releases/1.0.2/architecture/rm/ehr_extract_im.pdf>; new-style latest draft HTML <http://www.openehr.org/releases/RM/latest/docs/ehr_extract/ehr_extract.html>) which contain breaking changes, as follows:

 * SPECRM-10 <https://openehr.atlassian.net/browse/SPECRM-10>: Upgrade
   EHR_EXTRACT to Release 1 of EHR IM
 * SPECRM-13 <https://openehr.atlassian.net/browse/SPECRM-13>: Convert
   various fields to coded in EHR Extract.
 * SPECRM-14 <https://openehr.atlassian.net/browse/SPECRM-14>: Various
   EHR Extract model improvements
 * SPECRM-6 <https://openehr.atlassian.net/browse/SPECRM-6>: Correct
   modelling inconsistency of every EXTRACT_CHAPTER being related to a
   single Entity

The exact changes are described below, and are visible in the latest draft of EHR Extract <http://www.openehr.org/releases/RM/latest/docs/ehr_extract/ehr_extract.html>. Most of them were in the 1.0.2 spec; some weren't except as notes; all of them were designed some years ago. The changes are reasonably extensive, and some are *technically breaking changes*. As far as we know, this is not a problem because the EHR Extract is not in use (the world seems to have moved on from the 'extract' idea). If that is true, it should be acceptable to allow these changes through in Release 1.0.3 (since they are old changes anyway).

*However if there are users of this specification, we would like to know, in order to determine whether to move these changes into another release - please respond on this list if this is your case.*


- thomas

The detailed list of changes is as follows (by visiting the CRs above, you can actually find the links into the Github diff view for each file).

- add template binding classes X_VERSIONED_FOLDER, X_VERSIONED_COMPOSITION, X_VERSIONED_EHR_ACCESS, X_VERSIONED_EHR_STATUS, X_VERSIONED_PARTY to accommodate specific types of openEHR content within X_VERSIONED_OBJECT objects.

- EXTRACT_SPEC.extract_type is changed to DV_CODED_TEXT
- EXTRACT_UPDATE_SPEC.trigger_events is changed to be of type List<DV_CODED_TEXT>.

- remove EXTRACT_SPEC.includes_directory and directory_archetype; assume that Extract spec and request pairs are modelled together, and that EXTRACT_SPEC.extract_type will indicate what kind of extract should be returned.
- make EXTRACT_FOLDER classes the main containment structure; assumed to be archetyped.
- move X_VERSIONED_OBJECT to openEHR Extract package.
- change EXTRACT.request_id to a HIER_OBJECT_ID

- a subtype of EXTRACT_CHAPTER is added to the model called EXTRACT_ENTITY_CHAPTER
- the class EXTRACT_ENTITY_IDENTIFIER is removed
- the class EXTRACT_ENTITY_MANIFEST is augmented with the attributes:
- extract_id_key[1]: String // id by which this entity (usually a patient or EHR) is known in the extract
    - ehr_id[0..1]: String // EHR or EMR id
    - subject_id[0..1]: String // patient id, UPI
- other_ids[0..1]: Hash<String, String> // other ids the subject or record may be known by - the class EXTRACT_ENTITY_CHAPTER has a copy of the attribute extract_id_key, to mark each such chapter with a meaningful identifier within the extract.

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