Dear all,

We have been discussed on open source software on medicine for this
three years in Japan. We have meetings as medical open source software
council twice a year from 2004.
We are very interested in openEHR/CEN13606 standardization. For our
repository of Japanese, we launched last night. Please visit
our site.
We are going to translate the documants and specifications to Japanese
and try to implement openEHR by Ruby language.
I found some typos in the bellow page on site.
I think that "Gnu Public License" should be "GNU General Public License"
and "Lesser Gnu Public License" should be "Lesser GNU General Public
License" according to the GNU page such as 

>openEHR Open Source Software License
>The openEHR Foundation uses the Mozilla Tri-license 1.1 on all software
>copyrighted to the Foundation. This licence essentially provides the
>user a choice of licence conditions under which to operate with any
>given piece of software, being: the Mozilla Public licence (MPL), and
>the Free Software Foundation Gnu Public Licence (GPL) and Lesser Gnu
>Public Licence (LGPL). See the Mozilla relicensing FAQ for details of
>this license. This in no way constrains the way in which software
>created by other organisations is licenced. 

KOBAYASHI, Shinji <skoba at>

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