The home page <> now has an improved layout 
and newsfeeds. More recent news items are being added soon.

The 'what is openEHR' page <> is 
hopefully more informative.

The who is using openEHR page 
<> now has 2 new sections, 
one for current and contracted deployments into production sites, and 
one for funded research using openEHR.

We are certain there are updates required to this information, including 
new deployments, so please let us know <mailto:webmaster at>. 
It would be good to have updates on the academic programmes as well.

NOTE: there is currently no section for vendors working with openEHR 
yet; this will come in the near future. We will make an announcement on 
what kind of information to provide for this.

All website feedback welcome here <>.

- thomas beale

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