Op 19 aug. 2014, om 23:29 heeft Max Eliaser het
volgende geschreven:
> QEMU is capable of emulating four different VGA adapters: cirrus, std, vmware,
> and QXL. By adding the cirrus and fbdev X.Org drivers to the qemux86-64 image,
> the image can be made to launch an X server on when cirrus and
QEMU is capable of emulating four different VGA adapters: cirrus, std, vmware,
and QXL. By adding the cirrus and fbdev X.Org drivers to the qemux86-64 image,
the image can be made to launch an X server on when cirrus and std are chosen,
in addition to just vmware. (The build of QEMU in OE-Core appe
QEMU is capable of emulating four different VGA adapters: cirrus, std, vmware,
and QXL. By adding the cirrus and fbdev X.Org drivers to the qemux86-64 image,
the image can be made to launch an X server on when cirrus and std are chosen,
in addition to just vmware. (The build of QEMU in OE-Core appe
QEMU is capable of emulating four different VGA adapters: cirrus, std, vmware,
and QXL. By adding the cirrus and fbdev X.Org drivers to the qemux86-64 image,
the image can be made to launch an X server on when cirrus and std are chosen,
in addition to just vmware. (The build of QEMU in OE-Core appe