Current Dev Position: YP 2.6 M3. - This is feature freeze for YP 2.6!

Next Deadline: YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018

SWAT Team Rotation:

·         SWAT lead is currently: Paul

·         SWAT team rotation: Paul -> Ross on Aug. 31, 2018

·         SWAT team rotation: Ross -> Amanda on Sept. 7, 2018


Key Status/Updates:

·         We’re now into M3 feature freeze so new feature patches, particularly 
for unplanned changes will be much less likely to be merged until 2.7 now.

·         Fixes merged for hardlinked files and their debug symbol links 
including new test cases to ensure this does not regress

·         Pending kernel upgrades (to 4.18) and other kernel changes for 2.6 

·         There was a change to the cpan class code which broke various 
external perl recipes. A secondary fix has been merged but needs testing, if it 
fails we may need to revert the original change.

·         Some key changes in toaster merged

·         Some oeqa race/logging output issues were identified and fixed

·         The sstate equivalency server work from Joshua/Garmin has review 
still pending and identifying/fixing persist_data fork issues (it's partly 
tracked down but not completely).

·         2.4 (rocko) series stabilization continues for the next point release 

·         Autobuilder2 now includes instructions on setting up and rebuilding 
the Yocto Console UI plugin

·         We have a build speed performance regression where the llvm build 
time and python pgo optimisation time added by new recent features mean builds 
are now taking around 45 minutes longer on our standard benchmarking system 
(1:26 -> 2:11).

·         This llvm dependency addition to mesa by default means image size for 
core-image-sato also increased substantially (230MB -> 309MB).

Planned Releases for YP 2.6:

·         YP 2.6 M3 Build Target is Aug. 27, 2018

·         YP 2.6 M3 Release Target is Sept. 7, 2018

·         YP 2.6 M4 Build Target is Oct. 1, 2018

·         YP 2.6 M4 Release Target is Oct. 26, 2018

Planned upcoming dot releases:

·         YP 2.4.4 (Rocko) will be targeted after YP 2.6 M4 is done.

·         YP 2.5.2 (Sumo) will be targeted after YP 2.4.4 is done.

Tracking Metrics:

·         WDD 2610 (last week 2578) 

·         Poky Patch Metrics

o    Total patches found: 1636 (last week 1623)

o    Percentage of patches in the Pending State: 737 (45%) [last week 737 (45%)]

Key Status Links for YP:

The Status reports are now stored on the wiki at:

[If anyone has suggestions for other information you’d like to see on this 
weekly status update, let us know!]


Stephen K. Jolley
Yocto Project Program Manager
INTEL, MS JF1-255, 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124
•    Cell:                (208) 244-4460
• Email:                   

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