I've implemented a electron-x11 recipe based on chromium-x11. It doesn't
touch the way chromium-x11 and chromium-ozone is built. But I've divided
chromium.inc and chromium-gn.inc into smaller recipes to share common parts
with electron.

I've also added a gclient fetcher to use with Electron. I've tested it with
Chromium, and it also works with Chromium. Chromium can also switch to
using gclient if you wish to.

I will maintain electron-x11 and gclient fetcher(and electron-ozone going
forward). It will make my life easier if you accept my changes upstream,
since I've moved the files around a lot and want to keep up with stable

It is on my github account right now. I can create a pull request to
OSSystems/meta-browser if you are interested:



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