
we have a system where sources for a recipe are present in the same tree as the corresponding .bb recipe. They are all in the same git repository.
So, something like this example:

./src/ < C++ sources >

I realize this is unusual, since in such a setup, we don't actually fetch sources (since they are already present in the same tree). With such a setup, one problem is to determine when OE should rebuild the package. That is, how it should detect a change. We use the revision (the hash) of the current head of the git repo, and set PV to that git revision. This way, whenever the head is moved, the revision changes, and so does PV.

This worked fine up to and including Danny. After Danny, the behavior changed. If we moved the head back to an earlier commit, bitbake would not notice, and produce a version from a later commit.

Here is the excerpt from our recipe that does this PV modification:

# PV_DEFAULT is defined in .inc file so that it can be overwritten by packaging scripts
# this is used when we do not have any git info

def git_run(cmd, path):
    (output, error) = bb.process.run(cmd, cwd=path)
    return output.rstrip()

def check_git_describe(path, default):
    import os
    import bb.process

        ver = git_run("git describe --tags --long", path)
    except Exception, exc:
        ver = default

    return ver

require streamapp_intree_version.inc
PV = "${@check_git_describe('${S}', '${PV_DEFAULT}')}"

PR = "r14"

PACKAGES = "${PN}-dbg ${PN}"

# FILE_DIRNAME contains the full path of this .bb recipe
# Since we are building in tree we know apriori the relative location of the src
S = "${FILE_DIRNAME}/../../../.."

# packages which content depend on MACHINE_FEATURES need to be MACHINE_ARCH

Does anybody have suggestions? Or, if somebody knows of a different way of doing builds from local sources, we'd like to hear about it.
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