Dear EZX experts:

I am trying to identify the big chip behind the LCD shown on the picture
at .   Intel claims that the eval
board has four 128Mbit PCM chips (to replace the one 512Mbit NOR chip
that comes with the phone) and is silent on the big chip.  Maybe it is
some kind of memory interface controller (but I don't see the need for
it as my impression was that the EZH architecture already knows how to
handle 4 NOR chips).  I have my doubts.  Can somebody help?



On Wed, 2008-03-05 at 15:24, I wrote:
> Please read and tell me whether
> you know what the big chip behind the LCD may be?  I am doing research

> on phase change memort and have my reasons to doubt what is shown on 
> the picture.

Personally I doubt everything they show on this kind of shows. :) Often
the stuff is not ready in time and they cheat.

> I am asking your group,

Well, so why you don't ask the whole group on the maiiling list, but me
in private?

> because the phone looks like ROKR E2...

>From the case and the software menues shown on the LCM it is indeed an
E2. Still I fail to see what we should know about the chip that is on an
extension board not tied to the E2 at all.

> If you save the picture as image, you can magnify it to get better
> details, although it is still pretty hard to read ...

Sorry, but I can't read *anything* on the picture.

Stefan Schmidtthe 

Todor Mitev
Thales Fund Management
140 Broadway, 45th Floor
New York, NY 10005

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