On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 02:37:31PM +0100, Stanislav Kozina wrote:
> Pretty often I search for the revision right before given change was 
> introduced, i.e. "how this code looked like before commit #1234".

Just click on "History" and choose whatever you want ;-)
> That's why I'd like to add one more column in annotate view, so it would 
> look like:
> Line # | Previous commit | Annotate commit | Commiter | Source code line
> By clicking the "Previous commit" you would see how the code looked like 
> before.
> What do you think?

-1 ,
too much clutter, and introduces AFAICS wrt. to the current head
(i.e inefficient Annotation and JS-less list.jsp impl.) too much
overhead wrt. size and probably processing, so the poor Sunray users
would start whineing even more ;-). 
With a JS-based/better impl. like
it would be easy to implement and overhead would be negligible, however,
IMHO still to much clutter ;-)

Otto-von-Guericke University     http://www.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/
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