This may be interesting.
Mike Bainbridge is clever and a nice guy. I don't know the rest.  Mike
will, I suspect, be very tightly constrained in anything he might say
since he is mired in the NHS CfH program.

I don't expect to go to this, I have too much other travel to do.


-----Original Message-----
From:     ]

Interoperability: A Major Focus at World of Health IT

A major milestone in the deployment of information technology
for the benefit of European healthcare was reached with the
recommendation by the European Commission that Electronic
Health Records (EHR) should be interoperable across the
EU's 27 member states by 2015.

The issues and challenges associated with implementing
interoperability in Europe will be a key theme at
World of Health IT 2008, Europe's leading event for
the eHealth community, which is being held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on
November 4-6 2008.
  for More Information

Keynote Speakers

Mr Esko AhoMs Viviane Reding
European Commissioner
DG Information Society and Media
European Union

Mr Esko AhoProf Nicholas Negroponte
Cofounder, MIT MediaLab
Founder, One Laptop per Child
United States

Mr Esko AhoMr Esko Aho
President, SITRA Finnish Fund for Innovation
Former Prime Minister

Attendees will Experience:

*       Perspectives from keynotes and thought leaders representing end
users/providers, government/policy makers, from the healthcare IT market
*       Over 60 educational sessions
*       Multiple eSessions designed to offer on-demand learning
*       60+ exhibitions and targeted product tutorials
*       World-class Interoperability demonstrations
*       Unparalleled knowledge sharing and networking opportunities

Early Bird Pricing Extended to 1 August
=ptnrs&src=em>  Now!

For group discounts and other registration information, contact:


Media Partners:

Supporting Partners:

EARLY BIRD Discount Extended to 1 August register today for
=ptnrs&src=em>  savings!

Featured Thought Leaders

Ms Karin Johansson
State Secretary to the Minister for Health and Social Affairs

Dr Michael Bainbridge
Clinical Architect, NHS Connecting for Health Programme
2007 BT Health Insider Healthcare ICT Champion of the Year
United Kingdom

Dr Jeffery Bauer
Partner, Futures Practice
ACS Healthcare Solutions
United States

Dr David Atlan
CEO, PhenoSystems

Thomas Smith
Chief Information Officer
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare

Dr Denis Protti
Founder, University of Victoria School of Health Information Science

Mr Ilias Iakovidis
Deputy Head of Unit - ICT for Health, DG Information Society and Media,
European Commission
European Union

Mr Dave Garets
President & CEO, HIMSS Analytics
Executive Vice President, HIMSS
United States

Dr Joan Guanyabens
Secretary of Strategy and Coordination, Department of Health

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