I've just posted an original definition of meaningful use, which opposes
the HIMSS defintion. The definition is tied to the clinical decision
support and patient-centered cognitive support, and stresses the need to
increase care value (effectiveness and efficiency). Feel free to use an
portions you deem supportive of FOSS. It's at

Steve Beller

--- In openhealth@yahoogroups.com, fred trotter <fred.trot...@...>
> The most pressing order of business for LibertyHSF is the status of
> systems in the coming stimulus package.
> There are two issues that I believe LibertyHSF must weigh in on.
> The first is the definition of meaningful use from the FOSS
> The second, and more pressing, is the issue of certification,
currently only
> WorldVistA is a CCHIT certified FOSS project and that certification
will run
> out soon. If CCHIT cerfitication is used as a criteria for stimulus
> in the current form of the certification it will be detrimental to
> projects.
> CCHIT has been listening and working with us, but we need to decide if
> at what point we need to setup a competing certification method and
body. On
> the 16th CCHIT is hosting a town hall meeting specifically to discuss
> FOSS certification isssues. By that time I want to have a semi formal
> process in place for deciding what the communities (to the degree that
> LibertyHSF can represent it) response will be.
> To that end, I am sending an inviation email to individual community
> to participate on the important sounding 'meaningful use and
> commitee'.
> If you get an second email from me within the hour, you were invited,
if you
> did not you were not. But my criteria for inclusion in this group is
> that you have A. Contributed to the discussion so far in a meaningful
way or
> B. You are supporting a FOSS EHR in more than one live deployment. If
> have talked to me about this issue either in person or over email over
> last few months then I have tried to include you. If you meet these
> and you want to be formally involved then please email me today or
> requesting that I include you.
> I am inviting several people who I want to specifically point out in
> of their acceptance of the invitation because I know that they might
> controversial.
> The first is Greg Caulton. I have been very critical of PatientOS in
> past and I see no reason why I will not be -personally- critical of
them in
> the future. But LibertyHSF is not 'freds party' but intended to be
> representative of the entire FOSS community. Whatever else I have to
> about PatientOS it does appear to be in the process of becoming a
ligit FOSS
> project. The reason that I feel Caultons/PatientOS inclusion may be
> controversial is that the project has the CCHIT feature set as an
> design document. In short PatientOS has implicitly endorsed the CCHIT
> definition of what an EHR is, as far as I know, they are the only FOSS
> project to have taken this stand. While I disagree with this and other
> design decisions that PatientOS has made I can see no reason why
> should not get a vote at this table.
> The second is Dr. Kibbe. I am inviting Dr. Kibbe specifically because
he is
> an effective critic of the CCHIT model generally, and because he has
> participated in our community in the past. Recall that he attempted to
> promote a FOSS EHR for AAFP. If he accepts the bridge I hope that he
> serve as a bridge to other groups who are frustrated with CCHIT and
> wondering what to do.
> Last but certainly not least, I plan on including Dennis Wilson from
> Dennis is the project leader for Laika and is therefore a full member
of the
> FOSS healthcare community. Better than anyone else at CCHIT he
> understands the implications of what a FOSS license implies, and what
> running a FOSS project is like. Most importantly we need a person from
> to give balance to our discussion.
> I am inviting Dr. Kibbe and Dennis to specifically be outside advisors
> our group, although they will have full access to any meetings or
> mailinglists, they will not be included in a final vote, unless the
> committee itself decides to overrule me on this stance. I have not
idea if
> either Dennis, Dr. Kibbe or Greg will accept my invitation, but I
wanted to
> let everyone know that they would be invited.
> Besides them, I am inviting the usual suspects.
> I have been advised to err on the side of being too inclusive with
> LibertyHSF, and the list of people that I am inviting to this is
intended to
> be an initial stab at doing just that. All those in favor remain
silent, all
> those opposed bitch loudly.
> -FT
> --
> Fred Trotter
> http://www.fredtrotter.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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