This is extension to existing OpenSM 'file' routing engine. This adds
ability to dump switch lid matrices (aka min hops tables) to file and
later to load it as is (currently).

The usage is similar to unicast forwarding tables loading from dump
file (introduced by 'file' routing engine), but new lid matrix file
name should be specified by -M or --lid_matrix_file option. For example:

  $ opensm -R file -M ./opensm-lid-matrix.dump

The dump file is named 'opensm-lid-matrix.dump' and will be generated in
standard opensm dump directory (/var/log by default) when
OSM_LOG_ROUTING logging flag is set.

When routing engine 'file' is activated, but dump file is not specified
or not cannot be open default lid matrix algorithm will be used.

Also in addition to all above the patch 5 adds switch forwarding tables
dumper which will generate file compatible with output.
This file can be used as input for forwarding tables loading by 'file'
routing engine. Both or one of options -U and -M can be specified
together with '-R file'.



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