>    1. Development trees: each one will place the development tree under
 >       his/her home:
 >       ~<username>/scm/topic.git (e.g. ~mst/scm/sdp.git)
 >    2. Stable/release trees: these trees will be located under /pub:
 >       /pub/scm/<name>.git (e.g. /pub/scm/ofed-1.1.git)
 >    3. All trees (development and stable) should be exposed via git web
 >       interface.
 > I think this methodology is similar to the way git trees are
 > handled in Linux, and its also a simple convention that will make
 > it easy to understand the type of each tree

If you mean the way git trees are handled on kernel.org, that's not
true.  There is only one class of git tree -- kernel.org happens to
use /pub/scm but ~/scm/ is perfectly fine.  But I don't see a reason
to have two places to put git trees -- let's just pick one.

I think trying to make a distinction between stable and development
git trees is a mistake, since a single tree can contain many branches,
some of which might be "stable" and some of which might be
"development".  In fact I think stability is a matter of degree so it
may not even be possible to agree on whether a given branch is stable
or not.

 - R.

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