What does the last entry in /var/svc/log/*smb* say?


On Sat, Oct 08, 2011 at 03:43:15PM +0100, Michelle Knight wrote:
> Apologies for the delay.
> Had a plumbing emergency! 
> --------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
> TIME            EVENT-ID                              MSG-ID         SEVERITY
> --------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
> Oct 07 19:56:40 32eb67b4-8e0e-e253-b74d-80c516c8e893  SMF-8000-YX    major    
> Host        : jaguar
> Platform    : H55M-UD2H Chassis_id  : 
> Product_sn  : 
> Fault class : defect.sunos.smf.svc.maintenance
> Affects     : svc:///network/smb/server:default
>                   ok and in service
> Problem in  : svc:///network/smb/server:default
>                   repair attempted
> Description : A service failed - a start, stop or refresh method failed.
>               Refer to http://sun.com/msg/SMF-8000-YX for more information.
> Response    : The service has been placed into the maintenance state.
> Impact      : svc:/network/smb/server:default is unavailable.
> Action      : Run 'svcs -xv svc:/network/smb/server:default' to determine the
>               generic reason why the service failed, the location of any
>               logfiles, and a list of other services impacted.
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