
Recently I purchased a new digital camera (it was bargain!).
I took a few pictures and I wanted to see if I can use my
box to download the images to a hard disk. I used gtkam
and gphoton2. Nothing worked. After some google search 

I realized that only the latest version of gphoton2 

supports my camera. So I decided to compile libgphoton2,
gphoton2 and gtkam. Instead of using the old libusb, I
used the libusb-1.0. I have used  the follwoing patches


to compile libusb-1.0. Then I compiled libgphoto2, etc. Also, I "installed"
ugen following the instructions at


When I use atkam as simple user it fails to detect my camera but when I use it 
as root, it works just fine.
This is really a good development!


Apostolos Syropoulos
Xanthi, Greece

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