Hello all,

Attached some patches to speed up (external) flash programming on MIPS
platforms. I optimized some of the assembly code in mips32_pracc.c.
While using a parallel port Wiggler I went from 1000+ seconds
programming time to 649 seconds. Thats a 35% speed increase. I've added
some background information on the optimisations in the source so others
should understand what is going on.

This patch includes my previous patch to add 5 JTAG clocks!

I also hacked flash/cfi.c a bit more. The original version uses the
toggle bit to determine whether a flash operation is ready. This is OK
for erasing but when using a slow interface like the wiggler the
programming is probably done when the next read operation is performed.
When using toggle detection during programming, at least 2 read cycles
are required to detect the absense of the toggling. I added a new
function that detects whether the programmed value is being read from
the device. If yes then the programming is done. This hack doesn't add a
whole lot of speed improvement so I didn't care to make it work for any
bus width / flash width. Its definitely not patch-worthy. If someone
cares to takes it a step further I can mail my version of cfi.c.

Nico Coesel

Attachment: mips32_pracc.h.speedup.patch
Description: mips32_pracc.h.speedup.patch

Attachment: mips32.h.speedup.patch
Description: mips32.h.speedup.patch

Attachment: mips32_pracc.c.speedup.patch
Description: mips32_pracc.c.speedup.patch

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