I have finally figured out why the default OpenPKG install of Zope 2.6.4 is flaky. Zope's driver script takes a command-line argument,
"-d <nameserver>", which it will use to do reverse lookups of request IPs during access logging. The default for the value is 'localhost'; you can suppress the lookup altogether by passing an empty string as the argument, e.g.;

$ python z2.py d '' ....

I can't figure out how to get that through the layers of indirection in the rc script's quoting, however; the quote marks seem to be stripped out of the argument value I am storing them. The rc.zope script does this:

    # .... snipped

    # .... snipped
    zope_opts="-d $zope_dns_host"
    # .... snipped
    zope_args="$zope_servers $zope_opts $zope_env"

  %start -p 400 -u cw-r
    rcService zope enable yes || exit 0
    rcService zope active yes && exit 0
    export SOFTWARE_HOME=$zope_software_home
    export INSTANCE_HOME=$zope_instance_home
    /opt/cw/bin/python /opt/cw/libexec/zope/z2.py $zope_args

Does anyone have a clue how I can get the quotes preserved? I have tried doubling them, and quoting them with backslash, to no avail. The only workarounds at the moment are to hammer "-d ''" into the last line
of the start stanza manually, or else to define a non-blank $zope_dns_host.

Tres Seaver                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com
The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
Developer Communication List                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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