Here's a patch for Muscle card support in OpenSC.  It applies to both
0.11.0 and 0.11.1.

It compiles cleanly for Linux and Windows.  I've tested compiling it
into SCB and it works pretty well.  
Some things don't seem to work with the P11 library due to interactions
which I haven't diagnosed... and some are things that do not work, but
aren't critical to usage.

The profile that has been setup is a user-pin setup, since having an
administrator pin in the mix just complicated things, often requiring 2
pins just to add a new RSA Key.
Changing a PIN with the pkcs15 tools does not seem to work right, since
it insists on requiring padding.  It's probably because my profile
isn't configured right... but I could find no documentation on how to
properly setup the card's profile.
opensc-explorer happily changes PINs, however.

The SCB for Windows works fine with Windows 2000, there may be some
bugs here n' there.  You can also use it with IDAlly :-D  The password
manager does not work however... so that will need fixing.

Another important note:  I do not have any sort of RSA key management.
If you create a key of a certain size, the card's key slot will be
locked at that size.  If you try to upload a key of a different size,
it will fail (even if you use pkcs15-init -E  to erase the card).  To
use a different key size, you'll need to reformat the card/reload the
muscle applet.

Have fun w/ it ;)
Thomas Harning

Attachment: opensc-muscle.patch.bz2
Description: application/bzip

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