On 09/09/2011 21:22, Douglas E. Engert wrote:

> One possible way would be to turn off some drivers
> in the opensc.conf file. Comments and an OpenSC web
> page would say how to turn it back on, and how to request
> that it not be dropped.
The only way that works: break it in a way that requires user intervention.
When in office you don't exactly know who is using some service, disable 
it and listen to complaints :)
If (after some time) nobody complains, then nobody is using it and you 
can remove. Maybe that code could rot for about a year before being removed.

Better if a page with instruction on how to reenable it is created 
FIRST, then the drivers get disabled only when it have been indexed by 
search engines.
Comments in config file should tell packagers *not* to reenable those 
drivers by default... If some1 is still using those drivers, it *must* 
be considered a regression.

Just my .02

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