
On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Galoh Haron <grha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Recently we need to upgrade our non pkcs15 card to be compiled to the new
> version of opensc.
> Reason we want to support minidriver. (Signing on IE)
> We encouter error of SC_ERROR_SECURITY_STATUS_NOT_SATISFIED. We realize
> that when sending certain apdu command the card required pin
> validation/relogin.
> Previously opensc 0.11.4 supports pin revalidation. But there is a the new
> opensc deprecates the pkcs11 pin revalidation/relogin  function @
> http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/changeset/95a5ab065401968c7f300ee4bd8d391d96279013/OpenSC/src/pkcs11/framework-pkcs15.c#file0
> Since the card does not support pkcs15. Any idea/patch on how to implement
> pin cache/revalidation on pkcs11 and with the  new opensc ?

For the crypto operations the PIN re-validation has been implemented  at
the pkcs15 level.
Your card is not natively pkcs#15, but, afaiu,
it has to use pkcs#15 emulator and so,
re-validation has to work for you also.

If you will not receive other answers, you can test the latest MSIs built
for 'staging' branch.
( https://opensc.fr/jenkins/ )
Here I could give you more details.

What card are you using?
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