there seems to be some kind of timed script thing in the code:
m_timedScript = startupConfig.GetString("timer_Script", "disabled");

it is executed using the same RunCommandScript which is used for the
command-script parameter,  case "command-script" in there too.

just googled for it an was reading those from:

Maybe you can config a command-script to run periodically in some
startupConfig? I'm sure someone here knows if it is a feature like that. Or
maybe for you as a programmer that source can tell it :)


On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 11:45 PM Vittorio Baroni <> wrote:

> I am an old italian programmer coming from IBM systems like
> S/3,S/38,As400 and on PC since they appeared.
> I love opensimulator and hypergrid project so I put up a standalone sim
> on a PC of mine and amusing with NPC
> command-script is a powerful tool, but I would like it can be scheduled
> with a command like AT(windows) or CRON(crontab Linux).
> It could be used for example to schedule a job like saveoar but with the
> power of command-script
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