<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <ModulePrefs title="Write e Read Example" >
    <Require feature="opensocial-0.7"/>
  <Content type="html">

  <script type="text/javascript">
   var htmlout = "";
   var me = null;

    * Set user data
   function populateMyAppData() {
     var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
          var data1 = document.getElementById('id_tarefa').value;

     htmlout += "Adicionado em AppField1 to " + data1 + "<br />";
     req.add(req.newUpdatePersonAppDataRequest("VIEWER", "AppField1",
data1)) + "<br />";
     req.send(handlePopulateMyAppData, "update_appdata");

    * Handle responses from update person app data requests
   function handlePopulateMyAppData(data) {
     if (data.hadError()) {
       htmlout += data.getError();

    * Fetch app data
   function requestMyData() {
     var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
     var fields = [ "AppField1" ];
     req.add(req.newFetchPersonAppDataRequest("VIEWER", fields),

    * Handle responses from app data requests
   function handleRequestMyData(data) {
     var mydata = data.get("viewer_data");
     var viewer = data.get("viewer");
     me = viewer.getData();

     if (mydata.hadError()) {
       htmlout += data.getError();
     // Do something with the returned data - note the getData call

   * Operate on user data
   function doSomethingWithMyData(data) {
     //Data is indexed by user id, and represents an object where
     //correspond with the app data fields.
     var mydata = data[me.getId()];
     var div = document.getElementById('content_div');
     htmlout += "My AppField1 data is: " + mydata["AppField1"] + "<br /
     div.innerHTML = htmlout;


<h1>Tarefas do Dia</h1>
<form action="#" name="myform" onSubmit="populateMyAppData()">
Tarefa:<input id="id_tarefa" type="text" value="" />
<input type="submit" value="add" name="name_s" />
 <div id="content_div"></div>


this return next error : Missing or malformed url parameter
Error 400
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