Good evening!

I having a litle problem with a function responsable to update a row.
But, in the call of method, I'm redirected to first page and the query
responsable to update the row not is executed.

This message is showed:
Invalid auth token (number) vs
makeXhrRequest(Object { name="realUrl"}, Object { name="proxyUrl"}, Object {name
="callback"}, Object { name="paramData"}, Object { name="method"}, Object {name
="params"}, Object { name="processResponseFunction"}, Object { name=
"opt_headers"})ifr? (linha 563)
makeNonProxiedRequest(Object { name="relativeUrl"}, Object { name="callback"
}, Object { name="opt_params"}, Object { name="opt_headers"})ifr?ur... (linha 601)
makeNonProxiedRequest(Object { name="relativeUrl"}, Object { name="callback"
}, Object { name="opt_params"}, Object { name="opt_headers"})ifr?ur... (linha 636)
os_k(Object { name="a"}, Object { name="b"}, Object { name="c"}, Object {name
="d"})openso....8.6.js (linha 31)
requestData(Object { name="h"}, Object { name="m"})ifr? (linha
getPrefetchData_(Object { name="a"}, Object { name="b"})openso....8.6.js
(linha 27)
send(Object { name="a"})ifr? (linha 166)
carregaDadosUsuario()script.js (linha 311)
responseHome(Object { name="obj"})script.js (linha 124)
processResponse(Object { name="url"}, Object { name="callback"}, Object {name
="params"}, Object { name="xobj"})ifr? (linha 529)


Someone know how I can fix this problem?


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