I dont think that is the prob...
I had faced that prb earlier so I have hardcoded the path inside
I get the certificate when I print the value of $cert


On Apr 23, 4:27 pm, jfahrenkrug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Makarand,
> I'm not Arne, but since I wrote the poor man's php key cache, I
> spotted something in your code that MIGHT be the problem:
> You code looks in /certs for the certificate file, that is a certs
> directory right below your root, so your directory structure will look
> something like
> /usr
> /bin
> /sbin
> /etc
> /certs
> it that's the case, then at least that part of your code is fine. If
> not - and your certs dir is RELATIVE to your cert accessor php script,
> you'll have to say
> $cert_accessor = new CertFileAccessor('certs', 'orkut');
> instead of
> $cert_accessor = new CertFileAccessor('/certs', 'orkut');
> If that's something you missed, this might help
> - Johannes
> --http://springenwerk.com
> On Apr 22, 11:11 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hi Arne,
> > I m using the sample php code 
> > athttp://code.google.com/p/opensocial-resources/wiki/OrkutValidatingSig...
> > but every time I make a signed request from the application the
> > authentication fails.
> > I am using the Poor Man's PHP Key Cache. posted above by Johannes
> > my code is as below...
> > <?php
> >  error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
> > require_once("OAuth.php");
> > require("cert_file_accessor.php");
> >  //Determine the URL of the request
> >  $url = ( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? "https://"; : "http://"; ) .
> >         $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .
> >         ($_SERVER['HTTP_PORT'] ? (":" . $_SERVER['HTTP_PORT']) :
> > "")  .
> >         $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
> >  //Orkut's public key certificate
> >  $cert_accessor = new CertFileAccessor('/certs', 'orkut');
> >  $cert = $cert_accessor-
> > >getPublicKey($_REQUEST['xoauth_signature_publickey']);
> >  //Compute the raw form of the signed request using the OAuth
> > library.
> >  $req = new OAuthRequest($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"], $url,
> > array_merge($_GET, $_POST));
> >  $sig = array(
> >    OAuthUtil::urlencodeRFC3986($req->get_normalized_http_method()),
> >    OAuthUtil::urlencodeRFC3986($req->get_normalized_http_url()),
> >    OAuthUtil::urlencodeRFC3986($req->get_signable_parameters()),
> >  );
> >  $raw = implode("&", $sig);
> >  //Get the signature passed in the query and urldecode it
> >  $signature = base64_decode($_GET["oauth_signature"]);
> >  //Pull the public key ID from the certificate
> >  $publickeyid = openssl_get_publickey($cert);
> >  //Check the computer signature against the one passed in the query
> >  $ok = openssl_verify($raw, $signature, $publickeyid);
> >  //Release the key resource
> >  openssl_free_key($publickeyid);
> >  //Pass JSON data back
> >  $payload = array();
> >  if ($ok == 1) {
> >    $payload["validated"] = "Success! The data was validated";
> >  } else {
> >    $payload["validated"] = "This request was spoofed";
> >  }
> >  //Include some extra information for debugging
> >  $payload["raw"] = $raw;
> >  $payload["query"] = $_GET;
> >  $payload["url"] = $url;
> >  $payload["getandpost"] = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
> >  $payload["rawpost"] = file_get_contents('php://input');
> >  print($payload["validated"]);
> >  ?>
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