>From which documentation you have taken this code? or self developed?
Because Orkut API is not supporting scrap vai Apps.

ARUP wrote:
> How to send scrap to friends from application
> this is not working
> function sendScrap(to, msg) {
>                                   alert("send::: "+msg+" to: "+to);
>                date_now = new Date();
>                var hrs = date_now.getHours();
>                var min = date_now.getMinutes();
>                var sec = date_now.getSeconds();
>                var milliSec = date_now.getMilliseconds();
>                var tokenValue =
> encodeURIComponent(document.getElementsByTagName
> ("input").POST_TOKEN.value);
>                var signatureValue =
> encodeURIComponent(document.getElementsByTagName
> ("input").signature.value);
>                //var scrapText = tokenValue + signatureValue +'9'+hrs
> +'18'+min+'27'+sec+'36'+milliSec;
>                  // var send = "POST_TOKEN=" + tokenValue +
> "&signature=" + signatureValue + "&scrapText=" +
> encodeURIComponent(msg) + "&toUserId="+to+"&Action.submit=1";
>                   var send = "POST_TOKEN=" + tokenValue +
> "&signature=" + signatureValue + "&scrapText=" + msg + "&toUserId="+to
> +"&Action.submit=1";
>                   var xml = createXMLHttpRequest();
>                       xml.open("POST", "/Scrapbook.aspx", true);
>                       xml.setRequestHeader("Content-Type",
> "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;");
>                       xml.send(send);
>                   xml.onreadystatechange = function () {
>                   if (xml.readyState == 4) {
>                                         alert("wow sent");
>                         }
>                         };
>               }
> id=gadgets.util.getUrlParameters()["gadgetOwner"];
>             sendScrap(id,'for test');
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