
I have already answered your question in another thread.

Rohan Dighe
Creator - Housie

Tushar wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new for devloping an orkut application.
> I am trying to create a link in the page.
> For that I have added following code.
> But somehow the link does not work. Whenever I click onto the link it
> renders the same page again.
> Can anyone please help me out to solve this problem?
> My code is like this :-
> 1) main.xml
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Module>
>   <ModulePrefs title="Test Application Demo">
>     <Require feature="opensocial-0.7"/>
>       <Require feature="views"/>
>   </ModulePrefs>
>   <Content type="html">
>     <![CDATA[
>               <div id="link"></div>
>       <script>
>         var userID;
>       function request() {
>               var params = {};
>               params
> [opensocial.DataRequest.PeopleRequestFields.PROFILE_DETAILS] =
> [opensocial.Person.Field.PROFILE_URL];
>               var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
>               req.add(req.newFetchPersonRequest
> (opensocial.IdSpec.PersonId.VIEWER, params), "viewer");
>               req.send(response);
>                        };
>               function makeLink(page, app_id, uid) {
>                       return [ gadgets.util.getUrlParameters()["parent"],
>                       "/Application.aspx?appId=",
>                       app_id,
>                       "&uid=",
>                       uid,
>                       "&appParams=%7B%22page%22%3A%22",
>                       page,
>                       "%22%7D" ].join("");
>                       };
>             function response(data) {
>               var viewer = data.get("viewer").getData();
>               var profile_url = viewer.getField
> (opensocial.Person.Field.PROFILE_URL);
>               var regex = /uid=([^&#]+)/;
>               var result = profile_url.match(regex);
>               if (result.length == 2) {
>                 userID = result[1]; // uid now contains the viewer's
> orkut UID
>                               var application_id = 
> gadgets.util.getUrlParameters()["gadgetId"];
>                       //      alert("application_id" + application_id);
> make_link=makeLink("helloworld",application_id,userID);
>                       //      alert(make_link);
>                               document.getElementById("link").innerHTML="<a 
> href=" + make_link +
> " > Hello </a>";
>                       } else {
>                 /* there was a problem getting the UID */
>               }
>             };
>       request();
>   </Content>
> </Module>
> =========================================================
> 2) helloworld.xml
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
> <Module>
>   <ModulePrefs title="Test">
>     <Require feature="opensocial-0.7" />
>       <Require feature="views"/>
>   </ModulePrefs>
>   <Content type="html">
>     <![CDATA[
>       Test Demo.
>     ]]>
>   </Content>
> </Module>
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Tushar
> >

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