It would be really important, I have to say something to my boss.

On márc. 9, 15:59, ofly222 <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I would like to change the URL field of a photo stored in my album.
> If I try this in my app
> ( photo.setField(opensocial.MediaItem.Field.URL, "http://......./
> a.jpg")), then it works fine, when I click on the original thumbnail
> in my app, I see the changed photo.
> But.
> As I check it in my albums (also in sandbox, but in my profile), when
> I click on the thumbnail, the original picture is shown.
> Is that a bug, or it's because I haven't published my application yet
> (and my app works only on a temporary copy of my profile)?
> Could you tell me how to change the big photo behind thumbnail, if I
> can't do it with URL-change? My aim is: only the new picture is
> available, the old doesn't.
> Thank for answer.

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