Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> Brian Utterback wrote:
>> Joerg Schilling wrote:
>>> The wish resulted in PSARC 2004/480 and I cannot understand why something 
>>> that
>>> has been decided to be needed now has no people to work on. It seems that 
>>> there 
>>> is a problem in the way Sun is organized if this can happen.
>> An approved PSARC case has nothing to do with funding/staffing. There 
>> are loads of abandoned approved
>> PSARC cases in the database. Priorities changes, decisions get made, 
>> resources are reallocated. We encourage
>> projects to file the PSARC case early in the development process at a 
>> time when it is most likely that a
>> project might be abandoned. I expect that with OpenSolaris this will 
>> become even more common since
>> the project work will be entirely at the whim of unpaid volunteers.
> In other words, Joerg:  You need to file a request-sponsor case if you 
> want STAR integrated.  Until you have done that (and nobody here cares 
> about what transpired before OpenSolaris.... take your beef with 
> non-open-Solaris up with someone else who cares), please stop 
> complaining about it here.  To put it very simply, you are beginning to 
> sound like a broken record.
> As I said earlier: show your commitment by deeds not words.  The next 
> time I hear you complain about how you can't integrate star because Sun 
> is against you and no one will do the work, I'm going to add a filter so 
> I never see mail from you again, and you'll thereby lose any chance 
> whatsoever of getting any help from me in the future.  I would be 
> shocked if others haven't already taken such action.... your incessant 
> complaining is driving folks away from what you claim to want most --- 
> helping you integrate your software.
>     -- Garrett
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> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss at
An interesting case in point. I recently sponsored a fast-track PSARC 
case whose timer has run out and
so could be marked "approved, automatic". However, a question that was 
asked during the review period
has caused the project team to re-consider whether or not their approach 
is correct. If they decide to not
proceed as they originally intended, then I will withdraw the case, but 
if they had not kept me in the loop,
I might have already set it to approved, and they might not have 
informed me that they are not going to
implement. So, as I said an approved case says nothing about the actual 

Brian Utterback

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