I am getting some problem while transfering file from one server to another 
sever. Actually I want to transfer the file using sftp without prompting for 

Please go throgh the steps that i did while i was doing the above transfer

1. I create a directory
mkdir identity
2. cd identity
3. i typed the beloe command 
ssh-keygen -o id_dsa -t dsa -b 1024

Generating 1024-bit dsa key pair
1 oOo.oOo
Key generated.
1024-bit dsa, username at servername, Mon Nov 10 2008 17:09:12 -0500
Passphrase :
Again :
Key is stored with NULL passphrase.
(You can ignore the following warning if you are generating hostkeys.)
This is not recommended.
Don't do this unless you know what you're doing.
If file system protections fail (someone can access the keyfile),
or if the super-user is malicious, your key can be used without
the deciphering effort.
Private key saved to mykey
Public key saved to mykey.pub

4. Then i copy the public file to remote machine in the directory .ssh and in 
the file /authorized-keys

5. Then i ran the below command
scp username at servername -i mykey
but still it's prompting for password....

I have already tested for the SunOS 5.10 Generic_127111-08 sun4v sparc 
SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200 and it working properly. 

But it's giving above problem for SunOS  5.9 Generic_118558-17 sun4u sparc 

Please help me regarding this...

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